These test systems are used for testing gas welding equipment like pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow metering device. It follows the IS 6901 and ISO 2503 standard.

The test apparatus is used to check the effect of electric and thermal stresson the screwless terminal.
The equipment comprises of the follow:
Current Section:
- Test Current: 0-30.0 A variable
- Display Range: 0-99.9 A
- Resolution: 0.1 A
- Accuracy: 0.5% ± 1 count
Voltage Section:
- Range: 0-99.9 mV
- Resolution: 0.1 mV
- Accuracy: 0.5% ± 1 count
Timer Section:
- On Time: 0-99 min. 59 sec (Preset Value: 30 min 0 sec)
- Off Time: 0-99 min. 59 sec (Preset Value: 30 min 0 sec)
- Resolution: 1 sec
Counter Section:
- No of cycles: 0-9999 cycles (Preset Value: 192)
- Resolution: 1 count
Data Logging Section:
- Parameters Logged: Date, Time, Voltage
- Log rate: 1 hr to 50 hours (Preset: 24 hrs)
- Log System: Direct into pen drive
- View Data: Direct view on PC
Power Supply: 230 V ± 10%, 50 Hz
Material: MS panel duly painted to avoid rust
Indication: Names of all meter and LEDs where required
Safety: Master On/ Off Switch
Calibration: NABL

Deflection Test on Screwless Terminal is used to check the effect of load and rotation on screwless terminals.
Current Section:
- Specified Test current will be passed through the terminal under test
- Test Current: 0-30.0 A variable
- Resolution: 0.1 A
- Accuracy: 0.5% ± 1 count
- Current variation: Within 5% using suitable resistance
Voltage Section:
- The voltage drop across the terminals will be measured.
- Range: 0-99.9 mV
- Resolution: 0.1 mV
- Accuracy: 0.5% ± 1 count
Mechanical Assembly:
- To mount the terminal under test to the test area
- To insert and remove the conductor of the suitable length and cross section for sequence change
- To clamp the points at which the voltage drop is to be measured.
- To apply load of 0.25 N, 0.5 N, 1 N through weights.
- Mount on different holes the entire assembly to check the voltage drop at 12 directions, differing through 30 degree
- To mount all above units in a single assembly
- Power Supply: 230 V ± 10%, 50 Hz
- Material: MS panel duly painted to avoid rust
- Calibration: NABL