Premier's PC Based Battery Tester is a micro-controller based intelligent instrument suitable for testing and monitoring different Batteries for its Load Characteristics. It indicates instantaneous Battery Voltage, Load Current of the Battery under test, and the time duration of the test.
Battery Voltage is indicated on a 3-digit, 0.5" ht red LED display with an accuracy of 0.1%. Facility is provided to set the LO BATTERY Voltage Limit by means of membrane key switches on the front. The moment Battery Voltage drops below Lo Battery voltage level, the test stops automatically and in that case flashes Bat Lo message.
Constant Current Electronic Load with a capacity of 0 to 40 Amp - read on a 3-digit 0.5" ht red LED display with an accuracy of 0.1%, and continuously adjustable by means of Coarse and Fine potentiometers is provided. Current range can be modified to suit customer's requirement.
Digital Timer with 4 digits 0.5" ht red LED display having a range of 0 - 9999 minutes with an accuracy of 0.05% indicates the total time duration. Test Time duration can be set by means of membrane key switches on the front. The test stops automatically at the completion of the test time duration and flashes Test End.
Real-Time facility provides Day/Date/Time of the test. Log Time can be set by means of membrane key switches on the front. The instrument captures the data of Battery Voltage, Battery Load Current, and Real Time and stores it into its memory. Data is available at the output in RS232/RS422/RS485 format.
The unit is supplied with software to get the Test Data in Tabular as well as Graphical form. The software also generates the Test Report with Print and Export facility.

Premier's Battery Tester is suitable for testing different Batteries for monitoring their Load Characteristics. It indicates instantaneous Battery Voltage with the facility to Set and read the Load Current of the Battery under test. A Digital Timer is also provided to measure the Time duration of the Loading Test. The moment Battery Voltage drops below the Lo Battery voltage level, the test stops automatically and displays the time taken.
Battery Voltage is indicated on a 3½ digit, 0.5" ht red LED display. Facility is provided to set the LO BATTERY Voltage Limit by means of Coarse and Fine potentiometers to disconnect the load at that instant. A Constant Current Electronic Load with a capacity of 0 to 20 Amp is read on a 3½ digit 0.5" ht red LED display and continuously adjustable by means of Coarse and Fine potentiometers. The current range can be modified to suit any requirement.
A Digital Timer with a 4-digit 0.5" ht red LED display indicates the total time duration in Seconds/Minutes.
In Premier's Two Minute Discharger Model, facility is provided to set the Time in seconds (say 120 Sec) on 3-digit thumbwheel switches. The Battery Tester applies the Set Load for the time duration set on the thumbwheel switches and monitors the Battery Voltage, and at the end of the test duration, latches the last Battery Voltage reading. Thus, this can be used for Pre-dispatch Inspection of the Batteries.
Facility of RS232/RS425 can be provided to connect the system to a computer. Premier's Model PE 2500 Datalogger can be used with this to get the trend of Battery Voltage, Battery Load Current at corresponding real Time. This data can be downloaded on the computer for report generation in Text as well as Graphical form.
Premier's Battery Tester with Electronic Load
Model: PE 9100
Power: 230 V AC +/- 10%, 50 Hz
Voltage: Battery Voltage displayed on 3 ½ digit 12.5 mm ht red LED Display having 20 V range with 0.01 V resolution and 0.1% Accuracy
Mode: Constant Current type - Continuously adjustable by Pots - displayed on 3 ½ digit 12.5 mm ht red LED Display having 25 A range with 0.1 A resolution and 0.1% Accuracy
Timer: 0 - 9999 Min Timer displayed on 3 digit 12.5 mm ht red LED Display, 1 Min resolution and 0.1% Accuracy - Time adjustable on 4 digit Thumbwheel switches
OPERATION: The system will have the facility to set the Load Current (max up to 25 Amp) And also Test Time duration. The system will display the battery voltage. And with Start button Load the battery by constant current through an Electronic Load as SET by the potentiometric ( Coarse & Fine ) Controls for the Set time duration. At the end of the set duration, the system will disconnect the load and Voltage indicator will latch to the last reading of drained Battery Voltage.
CURRENT: Max 25 A/50 A
VOLTAGE: Suitable for 12 V DC.
Premier's Computerised Battery Tester with Electronic Load
Model: PE 9100 M - PC
Technical Specifications and operation details as per item 1 and with a facility to connect the Battery Tester to a suitable latest PC for getting the data of Discharge Pattern (Time v/s Battery Voltage) in tabular as well as graphical form. Suitable Software will be supplied. Max Current 25 Amp / 50 AMP.